Meet Our Doctor
Our team at SMS is vested in making sure all patients who visit our office will have a relaxed and informed experience. We pride ourselves on patient services and follow up designed to help you reach your ultimate goal. We will make sure you understand all of your options, and we are dedicated to the holistic treatment of patients. At Superior Medical Solutions, our experienced professionals work closely as part of a team with our physicians who are Colorado Licensed and Board Certified, specializing in Erectile Dysfunction.
Dr. Aubrey Copeland
Dr. Copeland has led the team at SMS for nearly a decade. He has become an expert in the field of ED and has a highly successful track record in treating patients. He’s been a Board Certified Anesthesiologist in Colorado for the last 30 years. A graduate of Queen’s University in Ireland and the University of Colorado Medical Center in Denver. Dr. Copeland loves the practice of medicine and is honored to be working with SMS and our patients. He loves his family and enjoys the opera, music, theater, art, movies, books, travel, cruises, walking, golfing, good food, good cars, and a good joke.